Sunday 12 December 2010

Radio trailer script- 1st draft

Music-Live sound cd, track 22.

How safe are our children on the internet?
The internet has become a growing communications method for children and now has access to 95 percent of these children in the UK alone.
Within the year 2010 there have been over 97 cases of abuse to children on the internet. This has included; cyber bullying, online friends and false uploading.
Voice over: Speech from Bert Jones, 'cyber bullying is something which is growing in the uk...''
With online social networking sites, child abuse has grown more than 9 percent since the year 2001 with 4 percent of these being online pedophiles approaching vunreable children online according to figures produced by the online protection agency, therefore leaving us to ask the question; ''are my children safe on the internet?''

Voice over: Semar Jolly speech, ''police are unable to attack online peodphiles..''

HCCTV invites you to explore into the question ''can we protect and monitor children online'' and if so ''will children always be safe online?''
Tune in to HCCTV on march the 5th at 8pm to watch ''Child Internet Safety'' and help answer, ''are children safe on the internet?'' 

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